
Six Things To Know Before You Marry Her

Si Things To Know Before You Marry Her

Before you decide to marry a woman, there are certain things you need to know about her. While knowing this information does not guarantee a successful marriage, they put you on the right track.  

What you know outside of marriage is little compared to the knowledge you gain when you are in a marriage. Nonetheless, before you marry that beautiful woman, you must know these six things.

1. Know her genotype          

Don’t let love blind your eyes to the point that you don’t take into cognizance the importance of genotype. A situation occurred between a couple I am close to. The wife who is an AS genotype lied to her husband who is an AS genotype. It was after they gave birth to their third child that the hospital revealed that their child is a sickle cell patient. This singular error led to the death of that innocent child and eventually the end of that marriage. Don’t assume that since the lady looks good in every way, she has the genotype that is compatible with yours. A lot of harm is avoided when you both know your genotype.                               

  1. Ask questions about her family 

Every human being is a product of a family, so should the  woman whom you intend to marry. Ask questions about her family, make acquaintances with her family members so that you can always reach them in case of emergency. Through this, you can get to know the kind of family she belongs to. There are so many ladies who are products of dysfunctional marriages and who are going about with such baggage which may affect their marriage.

3. Never overlook a serious concern 

No matter how pretentious a woman can be, there will be traces of who she really is. If you notice a character trait that can be injurious to you if you eventually get married to her, it is better you address it immediately. A woman who cannot be truthful about her past relationship is like a time bomb waiting to explode. For instance, if she has a child from a previous marriage and decided to keep you in the dark about it, you should be wary of such a woman.

4. Find out her relationship with her ex

A good number of women still keep in touch with their exes. If you notice that the woman you intend to marry is always receiving anonymous calls mostly out of earshot, then it is time to find love elsewhere. You could marry her and later discover that the children you thought were yours belong to another man.

5. Watch her attitude 

I know a woman who is so good at house shores but very poor in her character. She sees corrections directed at her as an insult to her person. She will never accept wrong, neither does she apologize. If you notice such a trait in a woman you intend to marry, that is a red flag; run!

6. She must be a good manager

It is often said that women are better managers of resources than men. However, this may not be true with every woman. There are women who are chronic wasters. They find it difficult to manage resources. Instead of helping the man to spend less on irrelevancies, they lead such men into debt. Avoid such women if you want to make progress.

Imagine if a man who is very observant misses out on knowing crucial things about his wife, how much more the men who are careless and unobservant?  Marriage is not a sprint, it is a marathon. It is important to take note of the points shared above to avoid stories that touch.

READ ALSO: How To Choose A Wife 

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