Emotional pain is the feeling of sadness, loneliness and sometimes regrets as a result of loss, death, separation or the cessation of a relationship. My focus in this article will be on emotional pain as a result of the end of a relationship.
Emotional pain is a feeling that is synonymous with losing a loved one to death. The way a woman feels pain when she experiences a heartbreak, is also the way a man whose relationship has come to an end, feels.
There are several reasons why relationships come to an end. The Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines emotion as a
person’s state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation, based on or tied to physical state or sensory data.
Pain on the other hand is described as the condition of or fact of suffering or anguish, especially mental as opposed to pleasure.
So, emotional pain is a negative feeling that can alter a man’s personality and perception. It can make him come up with certain experiential conclusions about love, relationship and women. The man who has just suffered a heartbreak may arrive at the conclusion that all women are devil incarnates. Such a man is passing a collective judgment on women based on a singular experience he had with a woman. But is this conclusion right?
So, in this article, I discussed six tips you need to handle emotional pain as a man.
- The World Has Not Ended
Emotional pain is real and it hurts more than being cut with a knife. Since, the hurt is not tangible but physiological, that makes it even worse. It is not something you can take pills to heal or cure. That said, you must learn to endure the pain. It is not a time to take irrational decisions because it will surely backfire. Take it as a setback that was bound to happen. Don’t shift the entire blame on your partner and don’t zero yourself as a failure either.
2. Take The Time to Heal
A boxer, after a bout does not jump immediately into the ring for a revenge match. Rather, he takes his time to heal first, and recuperate from his wounds and his hurts. So, take your time to heal. Don’t crave a new relationship because you will end up messing it up.
3. Engage Yourself Positively
“An idle mind is the devil’s workshop”, goes the timeless maxim. Sitting around moping or feeling sorry for yourself will only make you feel worse. Get out of your doldrums and explore new and exciting things. You need to profitably engage in activities that will not only purge the stress from you but also revitalize you.
4. Embrace New Opportunities
You are likely to come across things, people and situations that may trigger your hurts. However, don’t close your mind completely at this time because out of every pain, there will always be healing and restoration. It could be in that moment you least expected that you will come across a partner that will be compatible with your personality.
5. Erase Every Negativity
Most human beings, especially men, form their opinion about certain things based on their experiences. While this may be good, it may not be right every time. Someone who let you down today may give you a helping hand tomorrow. So, erase every negative mindset because it will prevent you from seeing new opportunities.
6. Leave The Past Behind
It is often said that the best form of revenge is forgiveness. Forgiveness not only heals you, it also strengthens you to outlive a painful hurt like emotional pain. It is impossible to forget the hurt but it is possible to forgive the woman or lady who broke your heart.
Emotional pain can be devastating and energy sapping. It can make you think worse about yourself and the lady in question. But will that change anything? Certainly not. It will only make you hardened. Are you experiencing emotional pain as a result of a broken relationship? The six steps shared above will help you navigate your way out of the prison of emotional pain.
READ ALSO: Bridging The Communication Gap In Your Relationship
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