Every place has its unique physical attributes that give it its ambience for specific purposes. Such attributes include outlook, temperature (climatic), sound and smell, all of which help define the general atmosphere of a place or situation. Our physical senses create a perception of a place in the mind and this reaches deep into the soul, harnessing our thoughts and fears and making us feel a certain way because of an associated memory even without physical proximity because of the existence of an associated memory.
Also, little investigation will confirm what the psychologists say about the mind being a “slave” of sheer comparative perception. For instance it is an empirically proven fact that the mind has capacity to solely form features as it desires, in the absence of properties such as actual touch and sight. Consequently, as suggested by Shah of Designer Mag, whatever the occasion, ambience is vital and can make or break an event. So much thought and effort goes into an event and making it just as you, the organiser, intended. Ambience is a crucial part of this preparation. With an end result framed in the mind, careful consideration of the dress code, venue, playlist of songs, lighting, food menu and invitees, can help achieve the theme of an event.
Different forms of music create different atmospheres. Live music for example is celebratory while heavy house music is exciting and quick-paced. A playlist can be easily themed as you wish. Lighting forms a huge part of the ambience at any event or occasion. You can create the perfect mood with various types of lights and lighting effects whether these are tea lights, pillar candles, floating candles, church candles, elaborate chandeliers, uplights on a path, coloured lights, moving lights or light stencils that incorporate light with shadow.
There are a multitude of ideas online if you are searching for a theme and currently finding yourself uninspired. A Google Image search would prove to be a veritable tool in matters bordering on the colour and light and how these appearances combine.
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