
7 Disadvantages Of Long Distance Relationships

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Long distance relationship is a situation in which partners in a relationship are separated by geographical location. There are many reasons why a man may be far apart from his wife or fiancee. It could be as a result of his line of business or occupation, it could also be as a result of where he is receiving education. This article is not to discourage distance relationships. However, it is to examine the disadvantages that such union can cause. So, in this article, I have discussed seven disadvantages of long distance relationships.


  1. Forgetfulness 

It is often said that out of sight is out of mind. This means that there is a tendency that forgetfulness may set in when a man is separated from his wife for a very long time. For instance, a man who is working and living abroad while his wife is in his home country. The man could start a secret relationship with the excuse that he is not also aware of the  things his wife is doing behind his back at home. The reason for this is not far-fetched. The couples are not seeing each other physically.


2. Loneliness 

Loneliness is another thing that a long distance relationship can cause. When a man is not together with his wife, he tends to feel lonely and most of the time making a phone call to the wife may not actually cure that feeling of loneliness. If this loneliness goes unchecked, it may lead to other things.


3. Extra-marital affair 

Loneliness often gives birth to the temptation of engaging in an extramarital affair as a way of quenching loneliness. Once this idea is given a firm root to thrive, the mind of the man becomes divided. He will begin to thirst for the company of the lady he has just proposed love to rather than to his fiance or wife.

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4. Distrust 

Distrust is another downside to long distance relationships. Distrust could set in when communication is hampered or where the wife or lady is preoccupied with a lot of work in the office, especially when she is holding a sensitive position in the organization where she works, and which  demands being present in a series of meetings. When this is the case, it can give room to distrust which can end the relationship.


5. An avenue for temptation 

A man who is separated from his wife as a result of distance is at the risk of being tempted especially if his work or line of business involves having contact with women of all shades and sizes. Even when he is not nursing this idea, a woman who notices that his wife is not with him, and who is interested in him, may capitalize on that to have him cheat on his wife with her.


6. Philandering 

A man may prefer to be apart from his wife only for the sole purpose of not having his freedom checked by the watchful eyes of his wife. At this point, he can decide to keep late nights or go clubbing or even use his freedom to chase his fantasies.


7. An avenue to tell lies

Since the woman is not there to verify her man’s movements, distant relationships affords the man the nerve to tell lies at will.


Long distance relationships may not be ideal for a man who has trust issues or who is easily carried away by anything in a skirt. Before involving yourself in a long distance relationship, as a man, you need to ask yourself if you can endure all the pitfalls long distance relationships may bring. If not, it is better to make arrangements to have your wife close by you or you close by her.

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